Friday, January 30, 2009


Grounding your kids can be very nice, for instance, if your kids are grounded on the weekend then you have a ready made baby sitter for the weekends!! But for once in 2 years all of my kids are off restriction, or grounding, all at the same time. It seems as though Har Bar has been grounded for 2 years straight! Well I guess you might say she is still grounded since she lost her Social Studies book last term and I got a bill for $65.00 for it. So she is trying to earn that money but I haven't kept her under lock and key while she is earning it. Here are some of the ways that she has been earning the money:

Baby Sitting and she kinda sucks at it, at least when she is tending her own siblings. She vacuums out my car. One time she wanted money to go to the movies and I told her to vacuum out the car and she did a pretty good job. So my car needed it and so I told her to do it again and she replied, "Just because I am good at it doesn't mean I have to do it everytime." So she vacuumed out the bug and did a terrible job, I don't know if she was trying to do that so I wouldn't ask her to do it again or if she is BLIND!!!

Any how if you have any toilets that need to be scrubbed or walks that need to be shoveled call Har Bar and she will come right over! $65.00 is gonna take her a year at the rate she is going at our house, because I pay on how good a job she does!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you ask my kids point blank, "Why did your parent have you?" They will say "Becuase they needed some slaves!" I have them trained right. hee hee
Good Luck with yours...