Wednesday, June 24, 2009

PDA at 13!?!?!?

Ok so I know I have totally sucked at updating my blog, I am still BOOB!! (Burned Out On Blogging) But this week has totally been blog worthy. I don't know if you guys remember my DEAR SWEET TEEN HARLEY, but she is a gem! And this post is dedicated to her.

Har bar has decided that she is hot and needs to have man affection in her life. And not just any man, but our NEIGHBOR!!! One thing that she might have wanted to think about was that everytime she breaks his heart, she has to see him at church, passing the sacrament to her.

But now with her pink hair that so wasn't cool last year but is totally SICK this year she is ALL GROWN UP! And she thinks that she is old enough to date. So yesterday her BF called and wanted to hang out. So she asked me and I am thinking to myself, if I don't let her she will sneak around. So I like her "Friend" (that's what I will call him) so I said sure he can come over. So they put on a

ROMANTIC COMEDY called 50 first dates and sit down on the couch. RIGHT NEXT TO EACHOTHER. So I am thinking to myself, they are sitting awfully close to eachother. And as I slave away at another load of Laundry, I walk by and notice that they are doing this.....


Where have I gone wrong, that my 13, yes 13 year old, thinks that I am HIP enough to see her and her BF displaying large amounts of PDA right in front of me? OH it gets worse....... then Chey and Rian wanted a snowy so I am contemplating on how I am going to pull this off with out leaving them alone. So I load all of them up, even the 2 love birds and we head down to the snow shack. And I sit in the car with Rian as she has fallen asleep. I look over at Harley and her BF and he has his STINKIN arm around her WAIST!!!
This is what I think of them as..... LITTLE KIDS... doing big people stuff!!!

Needless to say I need some advice on how NOT TO KILL HER! The best part of the whole situation is that KALEB is totally into girls and has them calling him everyday, one even brought him cookies when he broke his toe. But he watches his big sis, and repeatedly tells me "Whatever Harley does I am so gonna do when I am her age." So I woke her up this morning and told her that I am not OK with their PDA, Heaven only knows what I am in for when she is 16, and actually old enough to date.

Jason has the best outlook on the whole situation, I told him what I saw and that I was freaking out, and this was his response....." when she gets pregnant they aren't living with us!!!" NICE!!!!


Jen S said...

This is Shannon Poulsen's sister Jenifer. I guess you could say I was Blog Stalking. I like to look at my sister's friends as a way of "checking" on her I guess you could say. I was dying reading about your 13 year old because I have a 13 year old son. I'm trying to figure out how I can just keep him in a bubble and NEVER allow him to date, even at 16. Just know others feel your pain:)

Josh & Kenz said...

I am peeing my pants as I read this. I love the fact that you snuck behind them and took a picture. Harley is a good girl. She knows her limits. Don't you remember that butterfly feeling that she has right now?

Vanessa said...

Lock her up and throw away the key. J/k, I don't know what to tell you...but when you figure it out, let me know so I can worry about it in 4 years.

Riley Alexander said...

I wouldn't worry until you DONT see him passing the sacrament... if you know what I mean.

Atleast when they break up it wont be super awkward for them

Riley Alexander said...

That picture of them holding hands right in your front room, right in front of Cheyenne and her friend is so funny. I would never dare to do that!
This is Hilarious!

Riley Alexander said...

That was Sam!

Unknown said...

Good of you to have them at your house...because you are right if you tell her no she will sneak. (I know all about that) :)

Good luck with all the raging hormones @ your place!

Mama & Papa Griz said...

Oh, I am laughing so hard! I so feel your pain- We went through this with Kaid- when he was younger and he was being chased by an older girl! He was 15 and she was 17. All I can say is put a stop to it now! Don't allow it, because it only gets harder once they think your ok with it. I am so sorry for you. I am glad that I only have boys because I think i would have a heartattack if I saw my daughter holding hands with a boy. And I totally agree with Jason- you don't want them living with you!
Good Luck!

Adrie said...

You crack me up! My mom would have KILLED me, and I would KILL my daughter. Good luck with the whole thing and I can't wait to hear more stories next week!

Beck's said...

i have no advice no good ideas. But good luck I am glad you are going through it now so when my kids get to that I can ask you and you can tell what to do and what not to do.

Chaotic Monarchy said...

Funniest thing I've read all year! You know she's gonna kill you when she see's this pix. I love that you dared take it. If that doesn't scare her I don't know what would. I would have been mortified at her age. Way to go! Embarrassing them into celibacy is an excellent idea. I think I will definitely be using this tactic.

Melissa P said...

I am glad you are letting them at least come to your house instead of her going to the neighbors house who's mom is not home all day. Sorry, I have seen her over there with him many times holding hands. It is better to be at your house where you can see what is going on.

The Hone's said...

Oh my heck I am laughin so hard. I love all of your posts. This one is good though for sure. I totally remember doing the same thing, but I was the girl sneakin around doing it. Haha. Yeah I was a little shit!

Anonymous said...

I have no room to talk. However, I do have to give you heads up and have you check out the graffiti on the slides down in the hollow. We took Zoe down there and Colten and Brady defiantly love Har-Bar. ( I only know one Har-Bar, and one Harley) The graffiti is pretty bad.

I wish I could tell you how to not allow this to happen but I went behind my parents back to do the exact same thing. Good Luck!!