Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Now for all of you bloggers on the WellnessComplete team I want you to know how proud I am that we finally got a win under our BELTS! Elton did a fantastic job taking line drives for us, and catching them, he also got some good hits with my new ORANGE CRUSH, your welcome Elton for buying that. And we missed you this week Vanessa, hope you can make it next week even though you are excited that co-ed is almost over! Casey did a decent job in Left Field he wasn't as big of a ballhog this time. Teresa, Joann, Amanda and Sam all hit great (also with my new orange crush, you guys are also welcome) all around we did great, I don't want to toot my own horn so I won't tell you about my amazing catch in left center and then the throw to home plate which ended the inning, yes 2 out of 3 outs were made by me, but I will leave that up to someone else tell about that!! Anyways the Wraths have arrived in THE LAKE (Salt Lake that is) and they should be here by friday, so I will be breaking one of them in this weekend. So that is the weekly update I will be taking my Crush to the Family game tomorrow for further breaking in and I will report on it's progress next week!


Unknown said...

I likey the new Orange Crush.

No likey the cold medicine I took before the game.

Next week we'll go for 2 wins!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait for the new wrath!!!

Vanessa said...

I hear you have a new nickname. No more "coach", apparently its "taco"? Do tell.

Candi and kids said...

Elton was making fun of my Mitt he said it looked like a taco so that is my new nickname, I will be coming up with a nickname for him this week! Rest assured it may not be so nice

Beck's said...

When are tryouts?
How are ya?

Candi and kids said...

Jodi, I know the coach if you want to play I will put in a good word for ya