Hey did you guys hear the GREAT NEWS? Poison is coming in concert on July 3rd! I am trying to decide if I can handle 2 concerts in 2 days. Poison and Miley back to back, I don't know if my old body can handle all that excitement in that short of time. But I am seriously contemplating it.
What Poison means to me:
Trying to grow my Bangs out to be like Ricki or C.C.
Brings me back to 7th grade when we couldn't rat our hair high enough.
Tight pegged pants, just like Bret
Blue eyeshadow with pink on top and mascara that was every color.
Hanging out with my friends watching MTV all day after school.
Every Rose has it's thorns, explained all of my feelings everytime I broke up with my boyfriend after 2 weeks.
So since I am already going to Miley and I probably won't go, if any of you go call me after and tell me if it was everything that you imagined. I know they are all like 50 years old now and not sexy at all, but if they sing Mama' Fallen Angel or I want action it'll all be worth it!!!
Spence is going. You can always go with him and Party like Rock Star. I have yet to decide if I am going with him.
You are such a ROCKER CHICK! I am always down for a good show.
Wow, poison really takes me back to the good old Jr High days. Sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment, my fam was in town all last week.
Jimmy and I still laugh about my car at bunco. The best was your dad in a whoopi cushion costume putting the fire out.
I got my template from cutestblogontheblock.blogspot.com. I am illiterate too and got sick of trying to mess with it myself, so I finally had her do it. Yours looks good thoug, I like the new look!
Heather, update your blog.
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