Monday, July 13, 2009


Rian and her cousin Addi are Best Friends! This is a cute video that we shot on the 4th of July at a park and YES Rian is Nakey!! She is ALLERGIC to clothes. It doesn't matter where we are, she starts stripping down to the diaper if we aren't looking!!!

We are so lucky to have her cousin live so close to us, we just call Sam and she runs her over, and it is WONDERFUL!!!


The Chapman Family said...

So Cute! I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I had to pop some popcorn and get a 64 oz Mountain Dew to make it through that huge movie. None the less... I worry about these two.

Anonymous said...

That was me by the way... Riley

Anonymous said...

I love it! I am so glad they have each other! Now if we could just get them past this beastie stage they are going thru, then it will be perfect!

Vanessa said...

I am just amazed you blogged. Good job...and what cute girls!

Adrie said...

They are both so cute! I'm going to miss seeing them, that is until volleyball starts. I will go to the meeting for us so we can insure a spot!